Erotic stories of Ron Pine

Profile page of Ron Pine. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Ron Pine wrote 4 erotic stories which have been read 23.9K times

Threesome | 2
Group sex | 2
2021-02-12 14:55:12
2021-02-01 11:42:00
The Surpise VideoAnn and I decide to meet up one day and play hooky from work. We just purchased this new remote vibrator and are dying to use it for the first time. We meet up and start making out like crazy. I ask her if she brought her new toy and she grins from ear to ear and nervously replies, "it's right here". She takes it out of her bag and shows me a small remote control and a u-shaped purple vibrator. She explains to me that one part of the vibrator inserts into her pussy and the other part vibrates h...reading time 17 mingenre
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The Naughty NeighborWe have a work happy hour coming up and Ann decides to tell her neighbors about it at one of her neighborhood gatherings. They all say they want to go, just to get a night out. No one knows anything about us, so she assumes it's safe. You tell them we are all meeting at the bar at 3pm on Friday. They make arrangements and plan to be there. Friday arrives and Ann and I are playing games and as usual our sexual tension is building and building all throughout the day. We both cannot wait, even ea...reading time 12 mingenre
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Hunting Cabin Part IIAnn has my cock in her mouth and my balls in her hand. She is jerking off my friend and the other two guys are behind her. One guy is spreading her ass and spanking it, and the other guy has his face buried, eating her out. The two guys behind Ann stand up and start to take off their clothes. She keeps jerking us but then stops and tells us all to get naked. She helps me undress while the others get their shirts and pants off. Now she is kneeling before us and she takes off her bra.. one g...reading time 9 mingenre
Group sex
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Hunting Cabin Part IMy girlfriend Ann and I have always fantasized with about threesomes and foursomes. I get off on the idea of her being in ecstasy. She has always thought my hunting friends to be sexy. We are all well built, athletic bodies. She has confessed to me before about how much she touches herself to the idea of people watching us fuck, even to the idea of being taken and manhandled by two guys at once. My annual hunting trio is approaching and she loves the idea of hunting, but has never been. Aft...reading time 7 mingenre
Group sex
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